Participation fee: (training: 23.000 HUF / 95 Euro / person, meal: about 12.000 HUF / 50 Euro / person
BEGINNER AND ADVANCED GROUPS – Number of places is limited
For the 17th time this year the camp intends to ensure a background for young people ambitious on the artistic fields of photography and film. It concentrates on professional work and does not undertake pedagogical guardianship. Primarily it hosts students who want to study rather than have a holiday and who have enough fanaticism to show their talents.
WE LAY SPECIAL EMPHASISE ON ANALOGUE TECHNIQUES: taking pictures on film, lab works, sooting on S8 and 16mm.
- teachers: Radu Igazsag and Peter Szabó
- invited lecturers: Róbert Kassai and Gabriella Csizek
- theme: archive photo techniques, digital photo developing, other specialities (under working out)
- group leader: Jenő Hartyándi, Mária Vizi
- professional teachers:
o sound designer: Frigyes Wahl
o cameraman: Gábor Szepesi
o 16mm and S8 technique: Zsolt Magyari, Ákos Szeift
o animation: Radu Igazság, Bori Rutkai, Zoltán Hajnal
o invited teachers: László Csáki, Éva Magyaróssy
You can have a look into the organistaion and realisation tricks of the music part of the MEDIAWAVE Festival.
- drilling: 23-25 July
- training: 26-28 July – cooperation with ÚJ UTAL - NEW LINES International Music Workshop
- master course: 29-31 – Pula, Valley of Art
- group leader: Péter Pusker
- professional techers:
o sound technique: Péter Tóth
o Lightning technique: Árpád Nádi
o Stage: Krisztián Dombi
o Instrument technique: Laca Bors
o Backline: Bygyo and Strange Party Orchestra
- invited teachers: Lubomir Puksa (SK), Udo Preis (AUT), Astillero (ARG)
(There is a participation fee)
Accomodation: In the apple garden. You should bring tents.
There is no camping fee.
Deadline for entry: 20 June, 2007.
International Visual Art Foundation
H-9028 Győr, Soproni u. 45.
Tel: + 36/ 96/ 517-666,

+ 36/20 – 995-0089