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2015-05-11 19:10


Riesz Ferenc recorded the jazz és improvised music programs, specifically parts of them. You can look into the following concerts: Grencsó István and his friends (HUN/POR) - Ayler: Ghosts, Cactus Truck (USA/HOL), Geröly Trió, Gabriel Ferrandini & Pedro Sousa (POR), Grencsó's Youth Free Band, AMP Trio feat. John Dikeman (USA), Syrius Legacy, Tóth Viktor

Click here for the videos


Antal Csilla fotója /Szabadka/

2015-05-02 22:20

From Wall to Wall - Socfest report on Mediawave Gathering

We continued our trip within and outside the walls of the Fort Monostor. This year's thematic, The Walls was present literally as well: a huge wall was being built, separating east and west. We also watched animations and people dancing on the wall. 

2015-05-01 22:18

Spring blooming in Komárom - Socfest report on Mediawave Gathering

The Mediawave International Film and Music Gathering belongs to the smaller Hungarian festivals however the familiar mood, colourful programs and the international film and music program offer quality entertainment facility to the vistors. Thursday diary.


2014-06-25 10:22




FRÉDÉRIC DOAZAN (FRA) - director of the animation Supervenus

"Mediawave took place in an amazing and unique location where you will get lost into labyrinthic corridor. The festival is in constant activity with music, screening, exhibitions, food and folklore. You'll meet awesome people there (musicians, filmmakers, audience, and the whole organization team) It was kind of a change of scenery for Vandy and I, and it was definitely worth it! Go there, you can't be disappointed."


KRITJAN HOLM (EST) - director of the animation Worst Case Scenario

"Well, Mediawave! First, it was the first time to be there, had no idea what to expect. Most of the time went by in deeply positive confusion and once you finally realized what is going on, it was suddenly over. There will just be friendly people, crazy music, cricket’s stridulation, morning sandwiches, colored walls, talking drums and many other strong feelings hovering in your memories. Feelings those get stronger after every moment.

Secondly, it’s hard to find better location than this old fort for this kind of mixture. Hard to get in, impossible to get out! Last, but not least, I can't continue, otherwise I will get too melancholic that it‘s over for this time..."


BENIAMINO SAIBENE (ITA) - president and founder Milano Film Festival, the member of Jury
"I waited to write to you because i wanted to see how long the "mediawave effect" would last… and it is still going on, i'm still there!!! i still have the festival in my mind, in my blood, in my soul  and will have it for ever in my heart; Gyuri, Violetta: it was fantastic, i felt so good with you there, all the people i had the chance to meet were wonderful, all the films, the concerts i had the chance to join  are to remember, some count between the best i've ever joined in my life. Also the food, the wine and the palinka were very good, only the pasta perhaps could have been better… I'd like to find out how to collaborate together in the future, love you all!"

2014-05-26 9:39




MONIEK DE LEEUW (HOL) - Balcony Players Band (BEL/HOL/SWE/USA) + workshop with Csángálló Band (HUN)

"It was such a beautiful location, and so wonderful to meet so many great musicians and dancers! It felt so good to work together at the danube river to make a show together with the Changallo band from Budapest! Also I got to jam in and around the beautiful castle with so many musicians from all around the world, that made me so happy! Also there were so many good shows to go to.. and the vibe was so positive and all about sharing.. It made me so happy to be part of this amazing festival!"


RAPHAEL WRESSNIG(AUT) - Raphael Wressnig and the Soul Gift Band (AUT/ITA)

"Mediawave offers a nice and diverse set of different forms of art featuring different styles. It takes place at a great location and the audience was very receptive. So for us it was a lot of pleasure to perform at this setting. People and the crew were really helpful and supernice; Hopefully see you again soon Mediawave!! Love, peace and hairgrease!" 



"Mediawave is in many respects a unique event. I wish there were more festivals like it: this is how things are supposed to be. The way that different art forms --- film, photography, music --- are very naturally integrated is very refreshing. I also like the way different music genres (world, jazz, improv, pop) are placed next to each other. You can tell that the people behind Mediawave have been pouring their passion and dedication into this event for quite some time --- with amazing results!"


CARMEN CANGIANO (ITA) - CarmenSita & The Ramadogs (ITA)

"Both as musicians and guests of your festival, we've had a beautiful experience! The location was amazing and very well organized and set up. The artists' level too was very high and we've met Incredible musicians and got a lot of inspiration from our workshop. A new song was born on the place and we've decided to add it to our new disco! As for the rest, it's one of the best festivals we've been invited to! Great Job and congratulations to all!!



2014-05-15 11:37

NOSTALGICS! ATTENTION! Photo and video gallery is enlarging

We are happy to inform all those who are unable to get rid of the MEDIAWAVE Gathering feeling that an enormous number of photos has been collected in our archive. We also picked some videos from youtube. Worth to check the photo series in hope of finding some nice meories.

We, organisers, are amazed to see a new GATHERING evolving from the photos and videos... 

We have just started to edit the 100 hours long documentation shot by the festival crews which we also intend to post.

If you also have some MEDIAWAVE photos, please, send them to this e-mail: hartyandi@gmail.com

We recommend this photo selection for the 'gourmets'.

The young artists in the film workshop also made a nice festival trailer from the impressions they got during the Gathering.


Photo: Péter Nyikos

2014-05-13 9:10

"...I'm not a music lover film maker, but a film lover music fanatic!" - interview with Jenő Hartyándi festival director

Attila Sirbik's interview

with Jenő Hartyándi Festival director about the changes of the artistic trends of the MEDIAWAVE Gathering, independence and international relations...


photo: Zsófi Szerda (Subbotica)

2014-05-05 9:55

Desires, fates, shadows – Mediawave short films

by Hegedűs Norbert

The film program of the 24th Mediawave is mirroring the whole Gathering: it’s colorful and juvenile, nevertheless mature with high quality, being progressive with place for traditions as well.



The first "ON THE ROAD" Online Film Festival AUDENCE AWARDS

The audience had the opportunity to vote for 76 films in 6 categories in the ON THE ROAD Online Film Festival, a new initiative of the MEDIAWAVE International Film Festival. Athough the voting was closed yesterday the films can be watched until 30 April click here!)
1000-2000 people watched the audience-awarded films in a month, and Fertility by Teréz Murányi Matza was the most watched films with 2074 viewers.




The result of the audience voting is as follows
(click the titles to reach the films):


BEST FILM - Szabó Károly (HUN/ROM):


film about herbals and healers from Transylvania


BEST CINEMATOGRAPHER - Peyman Abaszade cinematographer in Mohammad Farahani (IRN):

THE THEFT short fiction film


BEST ACTOR - Maiken Schmidt actress in Doris Tääker (EST):

SPRING A LA CARTE short fiction film


MOST BEAUTIFUL ROAD - Murányi-Matza Teréz (ROM): FERTILITY (animation)


THE HARDEST ROAD - Boros Ferenc & Rozmán László (HUN):

YELLOW, RED, BLUE – The ways of József Ferkovics (portrait of a roma painter)


THE STRANGEST ROAD - Mirror Su (USA): SNOW BOAT (animation)


Congratulation to the winners, their films will be screened during the MEDIAWAVE Gathering between 29 April and 3 May in the Fort Monostor, Komárom. The films in the on the road competition will also be evaluated by a professional jury.


Murányi Matza Teréz (ROM): FERTILITY

2014-03-30 15:34

2 DAYS TO VOTE!- “On the Road” MEDIAWAVE Online Film Festival – status report about the voting

VOTE, because

only two days left to vote for the films of the ON THE ROAD MEDIAWAVE Online Film Festival.

You can vote for 76 films in 5 categories. However, films can be watched until 30 April on the website of the online festival, click here. Check the trailer, too!


The 10 most voted films so far are made public again below in the details.

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2024-03-12 22:12

Passport Controll'24 - Workshops and Application

Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!














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